Monday, May 2, 2016


What comes to mind when you think of the American West? Old movie images of cowboys? Wide deserts? Tumble weeds? Sprawling cities with friendly, laid back populations? People that talk “funny”? Whatever you think of, you're probably right: the American West is diverse.

For the purposes of wine, the American West region consists of New Mexico, Utah, Arizona, Colorado, Oklahoma, Texas, Nevada and California. That means the region encompasses a lot of variety. You can find bamboo forest and rocky cliffs in the same national park in Texas, so just imagine what kinds of wine you'll find in these large Western states

The culture of the West is as varied as its geography. Along the Rio Grande, you'll find pueblos, missions and Spanish language speakers. New Mexico is still officially bilingual. Elsewhere, you'll see ranches, cowboys, and oil wells, the iconic images of Texas. Austin has a thriving, bohemian music scene, and the arts flourish in Taos and Silver City, New Mexico. Other areas are corporate and conservative.  Sedona is Reiki world!  And, of course, "Vegas, Baby!"

What can unite such diverse groups? Well, the love of wine is a good start.

Break out your best cowboy duds and Boot Scoot to the Evergreen Ranch on Wednesday, May 11, at 7:00 for a sampling of the Wines of the Wild West.  Buffalo John Eld will be presenting and discussing a variety of wines from this up and coming region.  (Cowboy attire is optional but clothing is required.)


The cost for members is $25 and the cost for guests is $30.

Please reply before May 4, 2016 to:

Or you may reply to 412-657-0777.

Mail your check, payable to AWS to:

Dr. Dennis Trumble
1302 Arch St
Pittsburgh PA  15212

Don’t forget to visit the website for directions, useful tips, and recipes.

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