Friday, September 1, 2017

Only a short while left to register!

Join us on September 13, 2017 at 7:00 for
The National Tasting Project 2017

Wine is healthy. I read that on the interweb. The benefits are backed by countless scientific studies, and one of the reasons that grape wine is still around. For instance, where are lima bean and corn wines? They couldn’t deliver on taste, variety of styles and the benefits.  Grapes do.
Our next tasting, featuring Organic, Biodynamic and Sustainable wine, is a very current subject. Increasingly we’re seeing “healthy” wines in the Fine Wine and Spirits stores, and like every other health food there’s a perception that healthy translates to “bad tasting.” However, there is no reason why a healthier wine should taste worse than a “non-healthy” wine in any way.

Preservative free
Let’s start with the style that tastes most different from mainstream wine: preservative free. While this implies that no preservatives are used in manufacturing this kind of wine, the term “preservative free” refers chiefly to not using sulfur (the world’s oldest preservative) after picking the grapes. However, be aware that you won’t be entirely sulfur-free if you drink preservative free wine. Your stomach produces small amounts of sulfur as a byproduct of digestion in the absence of a lot of oxygen in your belly.
Organic wine is made from grapes grown in accordance with principles of organic farming, which typically excludes the use of artificial chemical fertilizers, pesticides, fungicides and herbicides. The official certified organic folk tend to get sidelined due to taste stigma, but there’s a secret about organic wine. Most companies (in fact, whole regions) use the organic approach in the vineyard and wine making, but they don’t tell you because it’s a label they don’t want to use! They want you to believe that the vineyard, winery and winemaker are doing their best and not making compromises with claims of organic or preservative free or whatever.
Biodynamic wines
Biodynamics is a complex way of growing wines. It’s similar to organic, but treats soil fertility, plant growth and livestock care as ecologically interrelated systems. At the heart of biodynamic wine is a belief by these companies that the best wines come from the best soils with a balanced environment that gives its share back to nature. Basically, it’s fewer things that end in “cide”.
A glass of wine is a good friend, and it may be a passport to a whole world of experiences, with the labels organic, biodynamic and preservative free a vital part of the experience. Stay thirsty, my friends.
WEDNESDAY, September 13, 2017 at 7:OO

Evergreen Community Center, 3430 Evergreen Rd, Pittsburgh, PA 15237 


The cost for members and guests is $25.
Please reply before September 62017 to:

Or you may reply to 412-657-0777.

Mail your check, payable to AWS to:

Dr. Dennis Trumble
1302 Arch St
Pittsburgh PA  15212

Don’t forget to visit the website for directions, useful tips, and recipes.

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