Wednesday, July 26, 2017

What would Mrs. Paul pair with her fishsticks?

In Science Now Daily News, it was reported that Japanese researchers have discovered why fish and red wine often clash.  They discovered that there are minute traces of iron in some red wines, particularly those grown in soils high in certain minerals, and that these trace elements can leave a very unpleasant “fishy” aftertaste.  Not the clean fish smell of the ocean, but more like the day-after fish smell of the dumpster behind Wholey’s.

The research also seems to answer why some red wines can complement seafood and fish, while others make you run for the motion sickness bag.  The researchers identified an “iron threshold” of 2 milligrams per liter.  Any red wine containing more than this amount spoils the seafood pairing.

Before you start trying to pair your Catch of the Day, first think about what type of fish you ordered. Certainly, you understand that a salmon steak is far from the same as an ocean scallop. So it shouldn’t surprise you to learn that not all seafood pairs the same. For the majority of seafood, pairing wine comes down to the type of fish you’re having and what its qualities are.

 Start by breaking fish entrĂ©es into the following categories (from Wine Folly):

Light & Flakey: Perhaps the most popular options, fish in this category are typically thin filets with a mild flavor. Examples include:
  • Tilapia
  • Sea Bass
  • Flounder
  • Perch
  • Pollock

Medium & Flakey: Denoted by a larger body and thicker flakes, these fillets are thicker and offer more flavor. Cod and catfish are prime examples of this category, but other popular choices include:
  • Trout
  • Snapper
  • Grouper
  • Halibut

Strong Flavored: Typically, fish in this category cause people to wrinkle their noses. They tend to be “love it or hate it” fish and offer strong, salty flavors. Fish in this category include:
  • Anchovies
  • Herring
  • Sardines
  • Mackerel

Rich and Meaty: If the word “steak” attaches to your fish, it falls into this category. The fish steaks will be thick, hardy, and substantial in texture. Examples include:
  • Salmon
  • Swordfish
  • Shark
  • Tuna
  • Mahi-Mahi

Once you’ve established what you’re eating, it’s time to think about what you’re drinking. As a general rule, order a white wine. It’s really hard to go wrong and if you’re feeling unsure, any white wine will be safe. But if you’re feeling adventurous…

Light & Flakey fish have such a delicate flavor that they need to have a delicate wine. Something with a citrus note would be best. It’s important not to overpower the flavor of the fish, so consider a dry Chardonnay, Pinot Grigio, or Sauvignon Blanc. If you’d like to try something new, try a sparkling wine, including the Spanish sparkling red known as Cava, for an unexpected twist!

Medium Flakey fish have a bit more flavor and can stand up to a wine with a little more body. Anything that is aged in oak is sure to please. Dry Riesling can be a new experience with a medium fish, though the classics of Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, and Pinot Gris will also work well.

Rich and Meaty fish are the exception to the white wine rule. It’s no surprise that red wine lovers tend to favor these fish, as they are about the only thing in the sea that can balance the body and tannins found in red wines. Feel free to try a Rose, white Pinot Noir, or even a Lambrusco with these fish. Of course, a champagne or Chardonnay will also be fine.

Strongly Flavored fish have their own following, and if you’re among them, finding a wine to complement those strong odors and flavors can seem like a difficult task. You’ll find many red wines that work well, including Pinot Noir, Cava, and Lambrusco. Whites that pair well include a dry Riesling and Champagne.

We’re not done yet!

 Just as you’ve got the fish type figured out and researched how to pair it, there is yet one more thing to consider. Preparation style, including sauce choices, can completely change how to pair your fish. A good rule of thumb is, “the darker the sauce, the darker the wine.” Here’s another quick cheat sheet to help clear it up.

  • Zesty Sauces– Light white wines with citrus notes
  • Sweet (Teriyaki style) Sauces– The sweeter the sauce, the sweeter the wine should be.
  • Spicy Sauces– If you taste chili powder, reach for the Riesling.
  • Curry Sauces– These are sweet and hot. Wines like Riesling or Moscato work best.
  • Savory Sauces– Do you smell basil, parsley, dill or capers? Order a Sauvignon Blanc.
  • Smoked- These tend to be a bit drier, and pair well with a sparkling wine.
By the way, any Chardonnay will work with the fish sticks.

Check the blog often for more tips, news, and recipes. 

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